Temperature Benchmarks

Our temperature benchmarks were taken during the stress test portion of the noise tests and should represent the highest temperatures that you should see from the systems. A laser temperature gauge was used to record the temperature of the CPU heat sink, RAM, HDD, and GPU heat sink. Remember to look at both the noise and the temperature levels reported, as most of the units are well below the critical temperature for the devices. Lower noise levels will often bring higher temperatures and vice versa. Obviously, the use of different components would also affect the noise levels.

Surface Temperature

Surface Temperature

Surface Temperature

Surface Temperature

Noise Benchmarks Wrapping it Up
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  • Midian191 - Tuesday, February 15, 2005 - link

    The latest bios version of the 210P has voltage control and bios control of the fan speed.
  • OrSin - Tuesday, February 15, 2005 - link

    If you want smaller review a mini-itz systems.
    They are pretty weak, but it depends what you want to use them for.

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