Pulling its Weight

In preparing for this review I spent quite a bit of time with Samsung's Blackjack, and honestly it still takes the cake as far as form factor and weight are concerned.  Apple's iPhone is slightly thinner (-0.4mm) and 1mm longer/wider than the Blackjack, making it pretty darn close to what felt to me like the perfect smartphone form factor.  Where the iPhone falls short is in its weight; while the Blackjack weighs in at 3.5 oz (99g), the iPhone is a hefty 4.8 oz (135g).  While we're talking fairly small numbers here, the difference is noticeable.  The added weight is by no means a deal breaker, but keep in mind that the iPhone is heavier than the Blackberry Curve in a device that's about the same size as the Blackjack; in other words, it's dense.

From left to right: Apple iPhone, Samsung Blackjack, Blackberry Curve

The heft of the device makes one handed operation difficult, something that is made even tougher by the touch-screen interface.  In comparison, the Blackjack feels far more natural with only a single hand, just like a plain old cell phone. 

From front to back: Apple iPhone, Samsung Blackjack, Blackberry Curve

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Thankfully Apple went with a brushed aluminum exterior for the back of the iPhone, meaning we don't get the fingerprint ridden mess that has plagued some of the flashier iPods.  The shiny metal rim around the glass screen does collect its fair share of grease, nicks and scratches, but there's not much you can do about that. 

From Top to Bottom: Apple iPhone, Samsung Blackjack, Blackberry Curve

The device itself looks quite stylish, making even recently released smartphones and Blackberries seem archaic by comparison.  A perfect marriage of a gorgeous screen and great industrial design, the iPhone is the first mobile phone I've used that feels like it was truly designed for 2007. 

An Ode to the Screen Simplicity Perfected
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  • rcc - Tuesday, July 3, 2007 - link


    killer features (which could be solved via allowing 3rd party software). For instance it has (google?) maps, yet from what I hear no GPS integration? Why not? At least in windows mobile you have options (though yes, it's not built into that platform either).

    If there is no GPS hardware built into a device, 3rd party software won't help. You have to have the hardware receiver built in.
  • Locutus465 - Wednesday, July 4, 2007 - link

    Fortunetly by law every new phone activated as of 2005 must have built in GPS for E-911.. Just one small baby step from there repurposes that GPS for coolness... My i720 allows this.
  • strikeback03 - Thursday, July 5, 2007 - link

    Doesn't the law simply require the carrier to be able to determine the location of the phone, but not specify how? Allowing the carriers to determine by distance to cell towers instead of GPS?
  • Locutus465 - Thursday, July 5, 2007 - link

    I beleive GPS is required... At least this is what I was told by a Verizon rep that refused to activate an older phone I had.
  • Cygni - Thursday, July 5, 2007 - link

    GPS is not required by law, yet. Location support IS required, but is already present on nearly every phone made in the last 3 years.
  • plinden - Tuesday, July 3, 2007 - link


    Complete lack of 3rd party software support?

    Leo Laporte in one of his podcasts this weekend mentioned that he heard there is an SDK for the iPhone that's ready for OS X but not Windows, but Apple (ie Jobs) wants to release both versions at the same time, hence the delay.

    That's just a rumor, but it's almost certain there'll be an SDK at some point, although it's extremely likely, if not certain, that developers will have to go through Apple to get their apps published to the iPhone (ie via iTunes).

    Give it six months, like I'm doing. I'll likely get the 16GB version with 3G when it's available.
  • Locutus465 - Tuesday, July 3, 2007 - link

    There will need to be good 3rd party support for me to even consider it. There'll also need to be a good (and inexpensive) all in one chat client. And Mahjoong, that's totally a requirement.
  • sviola - Tuesday, July 3, 2007 - link

    You should check the Nokia N95, it has the built-in GPS, altough it runs Symbian OS.
  • Locutus465 - Tuesday, July 3, 2007 - link

    Well yes, my phone has built in GPS hardware as well (as do all phone inc. iPhone). It's just missing the app + maps (unless you're sayind the nokia comes with software + maps which would be the bomb). So I would just need that part of the equation. As a matter of fact the Samsung i720 also allows you to use the phone as a plain old GPS device, so really if I wanted to I could potentially blue tooth it to a laptop for instance and go that route.
  • Locutus465 - Tuesday, July 3, 2007 - link

    Oh yeah, on the i720 to set an MP3 as your ring tone you just need to browse to it in flie explorer, tap and hold ("right click" in Windows Mobile) and select "Set as ringtone" :)

    Automatically copies to \Windows\Rings and sets the song as your ringtone :D

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