4GB vs. 8GB

You see, I'm on a never-ending quest to have access to all of my content, on any device, at any time, anywhere.  The iPhone is a stop on the road to convergence perfection, and as such you have to think about it as much more than a phone.  I made the mistake of looking at it as an iPod, figuring that I take around 4GB of music with me in my car so a 4GB iPhone should suffice. 

My mistake was in discounting exactly how many pictures I'd throw on this thing; my initial iPhoto sync had around 700MB of pictures stored on the phone, and after seeing how well the iPhone works as a picturebook I wanted to add more.  The problem is that there's simply not enough room on the 4GB iPhone for all the music and pictures I'd like to store, thus making a strong argument for the 8GB iPhone. 

I would caution you against underestimating the importance of more storage on the phone; initially I scoffed at the idea of spending an extra $100 on the 8GB iPhone, this thing will probably be obsolete in another year anyways once the 3G version comes out, so why bother spending more?  The mistake comes in that you can't view the iPhone the way you do any other phone you've ever owned.  Coming from years of Blackberries, the decision between 4GB and 8GB is like asking a homeless guy whether he wanted an Enzo or Veyron, it's so out there that it was unfathomable.

If you have any music/photo library at all I would strongly encourage you not to make the same mistake I did and opt for the 8GB version instead.

Smile for ze Camera YouTube
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  • zsdersw - Tuesday, July 3, 2007 - link

    As a long-time Star Trek fan and someone who regards The Next Generation as the best of the series, I have to say I'm not at all interested in the iPhone.

    Two primary reasons:

    - Price. For $500 and a 2yr contract, what it brings to the table above and beyond its competitors is less than compelling, IMO.

    - AT&T only. Screw that. I'm never buying a phone with which only one carrier is available.
  • tuteja1986 - Tuesday, July 3, 2007 - link

    alot of features are missing :!
    Bluetooth is crippled
    Virtual keyboard onlys works good with Web browser since its horizontal. keyboard sucks
    Does not have 3G
    battery life is 4hrs talk time.. unable to change battery. black berry 8800 can do 10hrs+
    Digital camera is very basic compared to high quality camera used in phone like Nokia N95.
    No support for 3rd party application
    Its has edge connection which sucks
    no support for HDSPA
    No GPS
    No IM program
    No widget support
    Not able to abstract the image anywhere.. sending image through email reduces it low res which sucks :(

    The only awesome thing about iphone i think its interface , the screen and the ipod video/music feature which works. The phone is certinaly not worth $600 and can be sold for $350 and apple can still make a decent profit.
  • plinden - Tuesday, July 3, 2007 - link


    battery life is 4hrs talk time.

    Where is 4 hour talk time mentioned. Anand didn't mention talk time, did he? He did get 6-7 hours with wifi.

    Just about every other reviewer got 7 hours or more talk time, close to what Apple claims.
  • tuteja1986 - Wednesday, July 4, 2007 - link

    Comfired by latest TWIT episode :! TWIT networks has the biggest apple fanboys ever :)

    but I sorry to burst you bubble but read the review by mobile phone professionals.

    Also ain't a anti apple but people buying it for so many reason as its calling the revolutionary phone which is not in tech wise , features but is revolution in only in UI design.
  • sviola - Tuesday, July 3, 2007 - link

    YEah, the Nokia N95 is an excelent phone, here are some of it's features.

    In-built GPS and Navigation Program (over 100+ countries maps)
    5 MP Camera with Zeiss Lens and Optical Zoom, and Video Recording
    Symbian OS
    Plays MP3, video, etc
    Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, USB, TV out
    Quadriband GSM/WCDMA (3G)
    MicroSD Card Reader

    I would like to see an anand review on it and a comparative against the iPhone.
  • vectersmith - Monday, July 2, 2007 - link

    I have enjoyed the iPhone thoroughly and agree that while it is not perfect, for what it does do it does better far and above anything else.

    Edge speed is slow, but bearable (barely). Wi-Fi is must better, although I still have sites that just hang and I have to hit the X button and reload.

    The UI is breathtaking, earth shattering, and will revolutionize the smartphone industry. It has too, once you use the iPhone everything else seems like fruitcake for Christmas (no offense intended to those that enjoy fruitcake on Christmas). I find myself just taking it out of my pocket to slide the unlock and see if anything is new :)

    Also I will agree with Anand about the SMS, you really have to watch out what you are doing as having a conversation is just painless which causes those SMS message count the fly up :)
  • kilkennycat - Monday, July 2, 2007 - link

    ....how long did you take to compose the review and how much sleep did you get in the process? Did you work from a pre-written plan?
  • Anand Lal Shimpi - Tuesday, July 3, 2007 - link

    Thanks :)

    I wrote the whole thing in about 24 hours, but the testing took a lot longer obviously. As with all my articles I have a very high level outline, but what ended up being written was significantly larger than even I expected it to be. My initial outline had something around 10 - 15 pages long, then by 3AM Monday morning I estimated it would be around 20 pages and by the time it published I realized it was going to be just shy of 30.

    I had to cut out a lot of additional material from the review just in the interest of time, and I took another 6 or 7 hours working on it to try and make sure I was keeping the attention of the reader throughout the piece (hopefully it worked :)...). There's enough extra content that I didn't use for at least two more articles, but I'm not sure what the demand will be for that so who knows if it'll ever get used.

    As far as sleep goes, I don't sleep much in general when I'm working but the iPhone weekend was ridiculous. I went to bed Saturday night, woke up Sunday and didn't get to bed again until 4AM Tuesday morning. Needless to say, sleeping last night was the most amazing thing ever.

    Take care,
  • oopyseohs - Thursday, July 5, 2007 - link

    This is definitely the best article I have ever read on AnandTech or on anything technology related in general. Also, it is nice to see that someone else exhibits the same behavior I do when writing major articles!
  • DerekWilson - Monday, July 2, 2007 - link

    I'm sure Anand is finally getting some sleep after a grueling weekend with the iPhone, taking only the occasional nap so as not to die.

    And a pre-written plan? naah, Anand's just that good :-)

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