CPU Benchmarks, Power, Temperature, Noise

For office productivity, there’s no getting around the fact that these are Jaguar cores. Coupled with the memory bandwidth means that flicking between the basic documents can be somewhat laggy, and this isn’t really a system for anything other than email and web browsing. We still put it through our test suite, and the full range of tests were conducted. A few of them are highlighted here.

For reference, the Athlon 5370 mentioned here is a quad-core Jaguar.

(1-4) Compile RISCV Toolchain

(8-1c) Geekbench 5 Single Thread(8-1d) Geekbench 5 Multi-Thread(7-3) Speedometer 2.0 Web Test(4-6a) CineBench R20 Single Thread(1-1) Agisoft Photoscan 1.3, Complex Test(2-5) NAMD ApoA1 Simulation(3-2a) Dwarf Fortress 0.44.12 World Gen 65x65, 250 Yr(3-3) Dolphin 5.0 Render Test(4-3a) Crysis CPU Render at 320x200 Low


Power, Temperatures, Noise

I will say a few words on power and temperatures.

Our normal tools for extracting power do not work on this embedded processor, likely a function of its age (similar Jaguar desktop processors that were public have the same issue), however we were able to take some wall measurements.

At idle, we saw power consumption in the 65-70W range. This is fairly high for a HTPC, so we would suggest not leaving it turned on when not in use. During our Borderlands 3 gaming, the system power hit 150 W, which should actually be clipping the power supply that is only capable of 150 W. This may be a limiting factor in gaming performance as a result. During high CPU loading, the total system power only went up to 85 W or so, showcasing that the GPU is the key component here.

For temperatures, before we replaced the paste, the system would peak at 75ºC regardless of load, and still offer full CPU frequency. After applying our own paste, that dropped to the 62-68ºC range. All throughout, the fan on the cooler never ramped up enough to be noticeable at a distance of a couple of meters. The one time the system had an odd boot, the fan did spin to 100% and was very loud, but after rebooting it came back as normal.

Gaming Performance: Integrated Graphics Windows on Consoles: One Step Forward
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  • yeeeeman - Thursday, December 24, 2020 - link

    while this is an interesting product, it is one SLOW machine and even a Sandy Bridge based system trounces it.
  • Silver5urfer - Thursday, December 24, 2020 - link

    PS4 and XB1 get crushed by Q6600 Core2Quad, Sandy i7 2600K obliterates it. And that SB processor is still relevant even today can play a lot of games which came in 2020.
  • d0x360 - Thursday, December 24, 2020 - link

    Allot of 2d indies maybe...and surely nothing that's using unity for it's engine.

    I mean hell I have an i7 5820k with an all core OC of 4.6ghz (stable to 5.4), that's 6 cores btw. I also have 32 gigs of ddr4 quad channel and a 2080ti ftw3 ultra +170 core +1400mem.

    I found that this year my CPU just isn't cutting it.. except for in cyberpunk oddly enough. In watch dogs legion I'm getting 30fps at 1080p with ray tracing off and DLSS on perf. Yeah that's probably because it's ubi soft but still there have been plenty of other games that came out in the 2nd half of this year that offer unacceptable performance and it's always because I'm cpu bound.

    No it doesn't help that I play at 4k... I like dropping to 3200x1800 but some games freak out when using a custom resolution so then I have to go to 1440p which looks soft on a 4k display.

    So an i7 2600k... Nah. No way. I doubt it even "crushes" the base consoles.
  • loki1944 - Thursday, December 24, 2020 - link

    Yes; it does, because even Bloomfield will demolish an xbox one X. I have C2Q 6600, 9650, i7 920, 930, 960, 980X, 870, 4770K, 6850K, 7800X and i5 750, 6600K, and 9400. There is simply no comparison. If your 5820k isn't cutting it then it's probably dying.
  • Silver5urfer - Thursday, December 24, 2020 - link

    "CBR11.5 marks
    AMD QuadCore A6-5200 2.0GHz: 1,99pts
    Intel Core2 Quad Q6600 2.4GHz: 2,70pts
    Intel OctaCore Atom C2750 2.4GHz (@2.6GHz Turbo): 3,81pts
    AMD EightCore FX-9370 @ 2.4GHz: 4,16pts
    Intel Core i7-4770K @ 2.4GHz: 5,18pts

    source: http://pc.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/topic/review/20...
    source: http://adrenaline.uol.com.br/biblioteca/analise/78...

    the PS4 CPU runs at 1.6GHz,
    1.5GHz quad core Jaguar scores 1.5
    1.6GHz would probably be something around 1.6
    8 core 1.6GHz Jaguar maybe around 3-3.2?

    Q6600 at 3GHz achieves around 3.3
    stock around 2.7"

    A quick google instead of wasting my time... And that's the CBR11.5 score. Then if we take i7 2600K, it is over. At GN 4.7GHz @1.35v 2600K plays games at Ryzen 2700 Stock levels.

    End of story.

    8th gen console HW is utter garbage.

    And using Cybertrash ? That is a horrible game and a horrible benchmark as well.
  • moozooh - Thursday, December 24, 2020 - link

    > I found that this year my CPU just isn't cutting it.. except for in cyberpunk oddly enough.

    That's because it's written for four cores and doesn't use any modern instruction sets (except one instance of AVX which can be safely patched out to play on pre-SB hardware). Then again, the same is applicable to most modern games, still, sadly. It's almost 2021, and almost no game makes good use of more than four cores.
  • raystryker - Friday, December 25, 2020 - link

    My Core 2 Quad 6600 and R9270 outpaced both consoles with no trouble...I wouldn't say "crushed" but yeah. I gamed on that combo through 2018....
  • Hrel - Saturday, January 23, 2021 - link

    The performance you're indicating is indicative of a bad overclock. Probably also throwing lost bits in memory like crazy. Your hardware is capable of FAR FAR more than you're getting.
  • bunnyfubbles - Friday, March 26, 2021 - link

    your 5820K @ 4.6GHz should be at least roughly equivalent to a Ryzen 2600 if not 3600 or modern, non K i5... if it really isn't cutting it when you appear to be setting yourself up for a GPU limitation with your choice of resolution, there is likely something critically wrong with your system.
  • MetaCube - Friday, December 25, 2020 - link

    "And that SB processor is still relevant even today can play a lot of games which came in 2020."

    Nice one.

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