ATI Radeon LE 32MB DDR

by Matthew Witheiler on May 23, 2001 11:59 AM EST

Real-World Fillrate

Naturally, with the Radeon LE coming clocked lower than the Radeon DDR, the fill rate of the card as measured in Serious Sam is less than that of the Radeon DDR. One interesting fact is that although the Radeon SDR theoretically has only a slightly lower fill rate than the Radeon DDR, yet it falls to the bottom of the chart, it is held back by its SDR memory bus.

Overclocking the card proves that the differences between the Radeon LE core and the Radeon DDR core are nonexistent. The two card perform nearly identically in terms of real world fill rate, also showing that HyperZ is enabled in OpenGL on the Radeon LE.


When measuring dual texture fill rates, the Radeon LE once again performs smack between the Radeon SDR and Radeon DDR in terms of performance. This leaves the Radeon LE performing quite a bit better than the Radeon SDR in dual texture fill rate measurements.

Overclocking the card to the 183MHz mark allows the Radeon LE to perform like a Radeon DDR yet again. Beginning to see a trend?

OpenGL Performance - Quake III Arena OpenGL Performance - Serious Sam
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